Trash & Recycling Collection
Recycling pickups are every other Wednesday. Please refer to the County Recycling Guide below for specific dates. Call the County of Burlington at (609) 267-6889 for curbside collection issues. The Borough also accepts textiles for recycling. Textiles may be brought to the Public Works yard for drop off. Click here for recycling brochure.
For the latest in Recycling New, read up on how to recycle plastic packaging, bag and wraps!
Follow the Riverton Environmental Commission to learn ways to keep our community clean.

Special Bulk Pick Up Schedule
Bulk trash shall include furniture, small appliances, home furnishings, rugs, bundled or bagged yard debris, discarded tree limbs and bushes, brush, grass clippings (EXCLUDING LEAVES).
Bulk Trash: 1st Friday of Each Month
- Call Public Works for Bulk Trash questions.
- Call Public Works for any missed stops.
- Bedding and Mattresses MUST be bagged to help control the contamination of bedbugs!
Other household and yard materials and large appliances such as clothes washers & dryers, food refrigerators & freezers, dishwashers, trash compactors, and similar appliances; automobile & truck tires; light fixtures containing ballasts and/or fluorescent lamps; asbestos roofing materials, and/or other material prohibited from a landfill or deemed inappropriate for bulk trash by the Borough, shall not be collected.
*PLEASE NOTE: Call the Riverton Public Works Department at 829-1792 to make arrangements for curbside pick-up or advice for disposal of these items.
Drop Off Guidelines
Propane Tanks
Concrete or Bricks
Tires without a receipt (Tire disposal fee is $5.00 per tire. Must be paid for at Borough Hall during office hours.)
Household Bagged Trash
Brush and Tree Trimmings
Paint and Household Chemicals
Fluorescent Bulbs
Anti-Freeze and Oil in sealed containers
Textiles in textile bins
Trash and Garbage Collection
The Borough’s contract for trash pick-up is with Republic through 2025.
- Regular Trash: Monday only– ONE TIME A WEEK – ALL YEAR ROUND.
Ensure a minimum of 3-feet distance from cart to objects (parked cars, mailboxes, lamp posts, etc.)
Only contents inside the carts will be collected, no refuse lying next to cart will be taken.
Cart lids should be fully closed with nothing sticking out of the can.
Cart lids should be fully closed with nothing sticking out of the can.
Residents may purchase additional carts–32-gallon cart $85, 64-gallon cart $95, 96-gallon $110. Additional carts can be purchased at Borough Hall (cash or check payable to the Borough of Riverton). Public Works will deliver pre-purchased carts to your property the following Friday.
- Call Public Works for any missed stops.
- No Tires without a receipt (Tire disposal fee is $5.00 per tire and may be paid for during business hours at the Borough Hall.)
- Textiles in textile bins
Leaf Collection 2025-2025
Leaf Collection 2021
Residents must have leaves to the curb by Monday 6 a.m. the WEEK OF PICKUP!
River side of the Borough pick-up: November 3, November 17, December 2, 2025
Park side of Borough Pick up weeks: November 10, November 24, December 8, 2025
- Spring pick up will resume in April of each year.
- The deadline for private contractor leaf pickup is December 15, 2025. After that date, it will be their responsibility to haul the leaves.
- December 15-19, 2025--All Streets final pick up and street sweeping for the year
Grass Clipping Disposal
- Grass clippings may not be co-mingled with leaves and/or brush. Please keep this in mind when doing yard work.
- Grass Clippings and weeds MUST be bagged as trash. When bagged properly, it can be picked up by trash collector, or dropped off at the DPW Yard.
Brush Pickup
- No grass clippings, dirt or garden debris may be placed on the street.
- Place brush at curb by Monday at 6 a.m., as it’s the only day for pick up.
- No grass clippings, dirt, or garden debris may be placed on the street.
- Pickups alternate from week to week from January thru October from river side to park side.
- Christmas trees (WITHOUT LIGHTS!) are picked up with Brush!
- NO Contractor Debris pick up!
Street Sweeping
Seasonal Mulch
Snow Removal
- Park your vehicles in your driveway.
- Park your vehicles on the odd side of the road to assist in street plowing.
- Once plowed, please move vehicles to the even side allowing the road crew to finish the plowing.
- Keep the curb line clear of garbage cans, branches, portable basketball nets, and vehicles.
- Consider shoveling your driveway out after your street plowing has been completed. It cannot be helped that plowing area roadways will cause snow to block driveways, at times.
- Walkways must be shoveled within 24 hours of the end of the snowfall.
Helpful information from Zoning/Code Enforcement Official, Pete Clifford
A Note about Borough trees from Shade Tree Board Chairman, Barry Emens and Council Liaison Jim Quinn: