Trash & Recycling Collection

Recycling pickups are every other Wednesday. Please refer to the County Recycling Guide below for specific dates. Call the County of Burlington at (609) 267-6889 for curbside collection issues. The Borough also accepts textiles for recycling. Textiles may be brought to the Public Works yard for drop off. Click here for recycling brochure.

For the latest in Recycling New, read up on how to recycle plastic packaging, bag and wraps!

Follow the Riverton Environmental Commission to learn ways to keep our community clean.

Holiday Recycling Do’s & Don’ts

Special Bulk Pick Up Schedule

Bulk trash shall include furniture, small appliances, home furnishings, rugs, bundled or bagged yard debris, discarded tree limbs and bushes, brush, grass clippings (EXCLUDING LEAVES).

Bulk Trash: 1st Friday of Each Month

  • Call Public Works for Bulk Trash questions.
  • Call Public Works for any missed stops.
  • Bedding and Mattresses MUST be bagged to help control the contamination of bedbugs!

Other household and yard materials and large appliances such as clothes washers & dryers, food refrigerators & freezers, dishwashers, trash compactors, and similar appliances; automobile & truck tires; light fixtures containing ballasts and/or fluorescent lamps; asbestos roofing materials, and/or other material prohibited from a landfill or deemed inappropriate for bulk trash by the Borough, shall not be collected.

*PLEASE NOTE: Call the Riverton Public Works Department at 829-1792 to make arrangements for curbside pick-up or advice for disposal of these items.

Drop Off Guidelines



Propane Tanks


Concrete or Bricks

Tires without a receipt (Tire disposal fee is $5.00 per tire. Must be paid for at Borough Hall during office hours.)


Household Bagged Trash

Brush and Tree Trimmings

Paint and Household Chemicals

Fluorescent Bulbs

Anti-Freeze and Oil in sealed containers

Textiles in textile bins

Trash and Garbage Collection

The Borough’s contract for trash pick-up is with Republic through 2025. 

  • Regular Trash: Monday only– ONE TIME A WEEK – ALL YEAR ROUND.

Ensure a minimum of 3-feet distance from cart to objects (parked cars, mailboxes, lamp posts, etc.)

Only contents inside the carts will be collected, no refuse lying next to cart will be taken.

Cart lids should be fully closed with nothing sticking out of the can.

Residents may purchase additional carts–32-gallon cart $85, 64-gallon cart $95, 96-gallon $110. Additional carts can be purchased at Borough Hall (cash or check payable to the Borough of Riverton). Public Works will deliver pre-purchased carts to your property the following Friday.

Please make every effort to separate your brush, branches, and debris from your leaves.

Please Note:
Please, No Drop Off for:
Acceptable Items for Drop Off:

Leaf Collection 2025-2025

Leaf Collection 2021

Residents must have leaves to the curb by Monday 6 a.m. the WEEK OF PICKUP!

River side of the Borough pick-up: November 3, November 17, December 2, 2025

Park side of Borough Pick up weeks: November 10, November 24, December 8, 2025


Grass Clipping Disposal

Please Keep Drains Clear of Debris! Including Grass, Brush and Leaves

Brush Pickup

Street Sweeping

May – October sweepings occur once a month pending mechanical issues and staff availability.

Seasonal Mulch

The Borough offers free mulch at the Public Works Yard for Borough Residents only. There will not be any deliveries made for mulch.


PSE&G for Power Outages or Gas Leaks: 800-436-7734
New Jersey American Water for Water issues or billing: 800-272-1325

Snow Removal

Our goal is to clear the roads to make them as safe as possible. Snow is removed curb to curb. Help us help you by remembering the following:

Helpful information from Zoning/Code Enforcement Official, Pete Clifford

Before you consider adding or amending any of the following (not a complete list) on your property, please contact Pete. He can be reached via email at [email protected] or 856-829-9559, ext.5 on Wednesday from 5-7 p.m.

A Note about Borough trees from Shade Tree Board Chairman, Barry Emens and Council Liaison Jim Quinn:

So far this year, over twenty (20) Borough street trees have been destroyed by severe windstorms and Hurricane Isaias. Please consider donating to the Shade Tree Trust Fund to help plant new trees. Tax deductible donations to this dedicated fund are used solely to purchase and plant Borough Shade Trees. Trees planted between the curb and sidewalk are Borough trees. On some streets, Borough trees are planted in the right of ways just inside the sidewalks. The Borough is responsible for maintaining these trees. Residents may not trim, remove or hang anything from a Borough tree. Please call the Borough office if you have a problem with a tree and are not sure of ownership.