Mayor’s Message

January 2023

Dear Residents,

The Borough of Riverton welcomes a happy and healthy 2023! As we continue to move further away from the Covid-19 pandemic we still take health and safety precautions very seriously.

Our Borough Council meetings are back in person at Borough Hall.  In addition, they are also available via Zoom as a courtesy to our residents that may not be able to attend in person. 

Town events such as the Food Truck Nights, Treasure Day, the 4th of July and the Christmas Village have been more popular than ever over the last couple of years. We look forward to hosting these events and others again this year. 

Check our improved website, Facebook and Instagram frequently for event details and important information. In 2022 we added an alert system called “Nixle.”  Please sign up to be alerted to event and emergency information, traffic and road closures and severe weather alerts. Just text the word “Riverton” to the number: 888777.  It’s that easy!

Our employees keep Riverton running on a daily basis.  They keep the town safe, clean and well informed.  If you can’t find the information you need in this directory or the Information Guide, please call the Borough Hall for assistance.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me or any member of Borough Council.  All contact information can be found in this directory.


Suzanne Cairns Wells, Mayor


Helpful information from Zoning/Code Enforcement Official, Pete Clifford

Before you consider adding or amending any of the following (not a complete list) on your property, please contact Pete. He can be reached via email at [email protected] or 856-829-9559, ext.5 on Wednesday from 5-7 p.m.

A Note about Borough trees from Shade Tree Board Chairman, Barry Emens and Council Liaison Jim Quinn:

So far this year, over twenty (20) Borough street trees have been destroyed by severe windstorms and Hurricane Isaias. Please consider donating to the Shade Tree Trust Fund to help plant new trees. Tax deductible donations to this dedicated fund are used solely to purchase and plant Borough Shade Trees. Trees planted between the curb and sidewalk are Borough trees. On some streets, Borough trees are planted in the right of ways just inside the sidewalks. The Borough is responsible for maintaining these trees. Residents may not trim, remove or hang anything from a Borough tree. Please call the Borough office if you have a problem with a tree and are not sure of ownership.

Helpful information from Zoning/Code Enforcement Official, Pete Clifford

Before you consider adding or amending any of the following (not a complete list) on your property, please contact Pete. He can be reached via email at [email protected] or 856-829-9559, Ext.5 on Wednesday from 5-7 p.m.

A Note about Borough trees from Shade Tree Board Chairman, Barry Emens and Council Liaison Jim Quinn

So far this year, over twenty (20) Borough street trees have been destroyed by severe windstorms and Hurricane Isaias. Please consider donating to the Shade Tree Trust Fund to help plant new trees. Tax deductible donations to this dedicated fund are used solely to purchase and plant Borough Shade Trees. Trees planted between the curb and sidewalk are Borough trees. On some streets, Borough trees are planted in the right of ways just inside the sidewalks. The Borough is responsible for maintaining these trees. Residents may not trim, remove or hang anything from a Borough tree. Please call the Borough office if you have a problem with a tree and are not sure of ownership.