Shop/Dine Local While Helping Riverton’s Green Team Get Sustainability Points–Please Sign the Pledge!

Riverton’s Green Team is organizing their first challenge toward Sustainable Jersey points this summer.  We are asking residents to pledge to shop/dine locally at least once during the months of July and August. If at least 3% of residents signup to commit to the challenge, we will be awarded 10 points.  This will help us … Read more

Public Health Update –Updated COVID-19 Booster Recommendations and Public Health Implications

Updated COVID-19 Booster Recommendations and Public Health Implications Date: June 10, 2022 Public Health Message Type: ☐ Alert ☐ Advisory ☒ Update ☐ Information Intended Audience: ☒ All public health partners ☒ Healthcare providers ☒ Infection preventionists ☒ Local health departments ☒ Schools/Childcare centers ☐ ACOs ☐ Animal health professionals ☒ Other: Pharmacies The Centers … Read more