Parks & Recreation
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee:
Memorial Park
Meets the 4th Tuesday Every Two Months
Meetings are via Zoom, please contact Councilman Wilburn for more details.
Or contact Borough Hall at (856) 829-0120
Riverton Memorial Park consists of 12 acres and includes 4 baseball diamonds, a grandstand, 2 basketball courts, 4 hard-surfaced tennis courts (3 of which are lined for Pickleball), seesaws, swings, slides, and other playground equipment. Picnic facilities are available with tables and benches. Groups wishing to use picnic facilities must apply at the Borough Office to reserve this area.

Park History
Riverton Memorial Park was purchased May 10, 1923 for the use of the citizens of Riverton. Dedicated July 4, 1931 to the soldiers and sailors from this borough who served their country in World War I.
Pennsylvania Railroad Train Shed History
(Circa 1882) The train shed was moved from it’s original site at Cedar & Broad Streets in 1998 to the park.
Park And Recreation Commission (Term 1 Year)
- Edgar Wilburn, Council Liaison
- Nicole Rafter, Councilwoman
- Scott Reed, Councilman
- Laurie Canulli
- Leah Falicki
- Joe Levins
- Denise McGuckin
- Jen Wilburn
- Andrea Zimmerman