Borough Council

Agendas & Minutes

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Public Notice

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that on January 7, 2025 the Borough Mayor and Council of the Borough of Riverton held their Annual Reorganization meeting at which they adopted Resolution #10-2025 which provides a meeting schedule as listed below for their Regular Monthly

WHEREAS under the guidance of the Governor’s Executive Order 107, the Division of Local Government Services of New Jersey has strongly encouraged all municipalities to conduct public meetings with communications equipment to avoid a public gathering. N.J.S.A 10:4-8(b) authorizes local units to conduct public meetings through use of streaming services and other online meeting platforms until further notice is given. Participant instruction for the public meetings Using a computer, tablet or smartphone, join the Zoom Meeting see the instructions below:


  1. Meetings shall be held at the Riverton Borough Hall at 505A Howard Street Riverton, New Jersey unless otherwise duly noticed.
  2. Meetings are additionally being hosted online for participants as a courtesy only via Zoom. Using a computer, tablet or smartphone, you can access the Zoom Meeting at: or dial in by Phone: 1 646 558 8656 US Meeting ID: 934 4718 2894 Passcode: 008658
  3. The Zoom option is being offered as a courtesy only. In the event of technical difficulties that arise related to the hybrid Zoom option, the in-person meeting shall proceed as scheduled.
  4. This notice is in compliance with the requirements set forth in “Annual Notice” under J.S.A. 10:4-18.



Kelly Andrews, RMC, Borough Clerk

All meetings are open to the public and formal action may or shall be taken.

The public may submit questions or comments via e-mail to [email protected] no later than 4pm on the day of the scheduled meeting. The public may also submit public comments in written letter form via mail or drop off to the municipal building located at 505A Howard Street Riverton, NJ 08077, during business hours no later than 4pm the day of the scheduled meeting. Previously submitted public comment shall be read aloud and addressed during the public meeting that will be heard to all remote participants and the public. The Governing Body may pass over duplicate written comments; however, each duplicate comment will be noted for the record with the content summarized.