Public Works

Borough Hall

Mayor & Council Meetngs

Borough Council holds a regular business meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7 P.M. The Borough’s annual reorganization meeting is held the 1st week of January and a public budget work session on the 1st Saturday of March at 9 a.m.
All residents are invited and encouraged to attend Borough meetings.

Tax & Sewer Payments

Tax payments are due February 1st, May 1st, August 1st, & November 1st.
Sewer payments are due April 1st and October 1st of each year.
There is a 10-day grace period granted with no exceptions for weekends or holidays.

Construction Office

Office Hours for the Departments of Construction and Code Enforcement are Wednesday 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. Construction Officials can be reached by voice mail at 856-829-9559. The Borough Office during business hours has limited access to the Construction Department.
Tax Assessor is by appointment only. Call 856-829-9559 x 8 to schedule.

Animal Control

For stray or wild animals on Borough Property ONLY call Animal Control at 609-685-3384.

Shade Tree

The Borough’s Shade Tree Board is responsible for all Borough Trees. These are trees planted in certain right of ways, and in between the curb and sidewalk. To determine if a tree is on private property or is a Borough tree please call!
Reports or questions can be directed to the borough hall

Borough Hall

Monday – Friday 8:30 A.M.–4:00 P.M.
Phone: 856-829-0120

Riverton Police

Business Office & Non-Emergency
Phone: 856-829-1212
All Emergencies call 9 1 1 or Police Dispatch at 856-829-1211

Department Of Public Works

Monday – Friday 7:00 A.M.–3:00 P.M.
Weekends 7:00 A.M.–11:00 A.M
Phone: 856-829-1792

Click here to download the 2025-2026 Department of Public Works Brochure: DPW Brochure

820 3rd Street
Please call the Department Manager, Keith Adams with concerns or questions 829-1792 and leave a voice mail message.
Our Public Works provides services for Riverton residents ONLY. This means NO contractor or commercial waste or disposal may be made at the Public Works yard or picked up by employees. If residents and/or their contractors are found in violation, fines and penalties could be imposed. This includes landscapers’ and contractors’ refuse.

Trash Collection

The Borough’s 2025 trash hauler is Republic

Follow our Environmental Commission Facebook page to learn more!

Recycling pickups are every other Wednesday. Please refer to the County Recycle brochure for specific dates. Call the County of Burlington at (609) 267-6889 for curbside collection issues. Download the Recycle Coach App:

Street Sweeping

Sweeping will occur all year when able.

Drop Off Guidelines

Unacceptable Items For Drop Off

Acceptable Items For Drop Off

Grass Clipping Disposal

Please keep our storm drains clear of debris! This includes grass, brush & leaves.

Leaf Collection 2025

Residents must have leaves to the curb by Monday 6 a.m. the WEEK OF PICKUP!

River side of Borough Pick up weeks:
November 3, November 17, December 2, 2025

Park side of Borough Pick up weeks:
November 10, November 24, December 8, 2025

The deadline for private contractor leaf pickup is December 15, 2025. After that date, it will be their responsibility to haul the leaves.

December 15-19, 2025–All Streets final pick up and street sweeping for the year.

Spring pick up will resume in April of each year.


Brush Pick Up

NO BRUSH PICK UP NOVEMBER & DECMEBER, brush pick-up resumes January 5th, 2026.

Snow Removal

Our goal is to clear the roads so they are as safe as possible. Snow is removed curb to curb. Please:

Sewer Calls 856-829-1792

Holidays and after hours listed above call the Riverton Police Department at 829-1211.


Emergencies ~ Call 9-1-1