Public Works
Borough Hall
Mayor & Council Meetngs
Tax & Sewer Payments
Construction Office

Animal Control
Shade Tree
- Report large limbs that are dead or rotting.
- Do NOT trim, treat or repair a tree yourself.
- Report storm and accident damage immediately.

Borough Hall
Riverton Police
Phone: 856-829-1212
All Emergencies call 9 1 1 or Police Dispatch at 856-829-1211
Department Of Public Works
Monday – Friday 7:00 A.M.–3:00 P.M.
Weekends 7:00 A.M.–11:00 A.M
Phone: 856-829-1792
Click here to download the 2025-2026 Department of Public Works Brochure: DPW Brochure
820 3rd Street
Please call the Department Manager, Keith Adams with concerns or questions 829-1792 and leave a voice mail message.

Trash Collection
The Borough’s 2025 trash hauler is Republic
- Regular Trash: Monday only- ALL YEAR ROUND.
- Ensure a minimum of 3-feet distance from cart to objects (parked cars, mailboxes, lamp posts, etc).
- Only contents inside the carts will be collected, no refuse lying next to cart will be taken.
- Cart lids should be fully closed with nothing sticking out of the can.
- Bulk Trash: 1st Friday of Each Month
- Call Public Works for Bulk Trash questions.
- Call Public Works for any missed stops.
- Bedding and Mattresses MUST be bagged to help control the contamination of bedbugs!
Follow our Environmental Commission Facebook page to learn more!
Recycling pickups are every other Wednesday. Please refer to the County Recycle brochure for specific dates. Call the County of Burlington at (609) 267-6889 for curbside collection issues. Download the Recycle Coach App:
Street Sweeping
Sweeping will occur all year when able.
Drop Off Guidelines
Unacceptable Items For Drop Off
- Televisions
- Propane Tanks
- Computers
- Concrete or Bricks
- Tires without a receipt (Tire disposal fee is $10.00 per tire. Must be paid for at Borough Hall during office hours.)
Acceptable Items For Drop Off
- Household Bagged Trash
- Brush and Tree Trimmings
- Paint and Household Chemicals
- Fluorescent Bulbs
- Anti-Freeze and Oil in sealed containers
- Textiles in textile bins
Grass Clipping Disposal
- Grass clippings may not be co-mingled with leaves and/or brush. Please keep this in mind when doing yard work.
- Grass clippings and weeds MUST be bagged and placed in your Borough Cart. When bagged properly, it can be picked up by trash collector or dropped off at the DPW Yard.
Please keep our storm drains clear of debris! This includes grass, brush & leaves.

Leaf Collection 2025
Residents must have leaves to the curb by Monday 6 a.m. the WEEK OF PICKUP!
River side of Borough Pick up weeks:
November 3, November 17, December 2, 2025
Park side of Borough Pick up weeks:
November 10, November 24, December 8, 2025
The deadline for private contractor leaf pickup is December 15, 2025. After that date, it will be their responsibility to haul the leaves.
December 15-19, 2025–All Streets final pick up and street sweeping for the year.
Spring pick up will resume in April of each year.
Brush Pick Up
- Place brush at curb by Monday at 6 a.m., as it’s the only day for pick up.
- No grass clippings, dirt, or garden debris may be placed on the street.
- Pickups alternate from week to week from January through October from river side to park side.
- Christmas trees (WITHOUT LIGHTS!) are picked up with Brush!
- NO Contractor Debris pick up!
NO BRUSH PICK UP NOVEMBER & DECMEBER, brush pick-up resumes January 5th, 2026.

Snow Removal
- Park your vehicles in your driveway.
- Park your vehicles on the odd side of the road to assist in street plowing.
- Once plowed, please move vehicles to the even side allowing the road crew to finish the plowing.
- Keep the curb line clear of garbage cans, branches, portable basketball nets, and vehicles.
- Consider shoveling your driveway out after your street plowing has been completed. It cannot be helped that plowing area roadways will cause snow to block driveways, at times.
- Walkways must be shoveled within 24 hours of the end of the snowfall.
Sewer Calls 856-829-1792
- Leave a message during Regular business hours, 7 a.m.-3 p.m.
- Weekends between 7 a.m.-11 a.m.
- Contact PSEG directly to report a power outage: 800-436-7734.
- Contact for Water issues or billing: 800-272-1325.